No Smell of Fire

"I never knew you were a single mom," a woman told me as we walked across the church parking lot after a youth activity our teenagers were involved in. I considered her statement a compliment.  Her words implied to me that our family appeared normal. (What is normal anyway?)

As a single parent, I often felt inadequate. I worried that my parenting efforts would glare like a flashing neon sign, "This mom is a screw-up." I was afraid that my mistakes would forever damage my children.

In the midst of those worries I pleaded with God to help me. Over and over I relied on His promise to be father to the fatherless (Psalm 68:5). The fact that this woman had known me for a couple of years and did not know I was a single parent suggested to me that He was keeping his promise.

"With all you've been through....and you walk around with a smile on your face!" These words from a new colleague were another reminder of God's faithfulness. When I think of how He has been faithful through tests and trials, I am thankful. I am also confident that whatever trials come, He is capable to see me through. His promise to never leave me or forsake me is true.

In the last few weeks I have noticed all around me people in the midst of heart-wrenching situations. Many are health related. Others involve family relationships. Often in these trials, there are no magic words or quick fixes.  There is, however, hope. God promises to be with us.

Do you remember the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? They were in the middle of a fiery trial. They had been thrown into the furnace with a fire so hot that the men who threw them in were killed. Their situation had to seem hopeless. Their friends were powerless to help. Their faith, though was strong. They trusted God's ability to rescue them. They were obedient not knowing if God's plan included their survival in the fire.

The story continues, with the image of a fourth man seen in the fire. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego escape unharmed. The king knew that it was God who rescued them. The part of this story that sticks out to me is the verse that says "...there was no smell of fire on them." (Daniel 3:27, NIV)

There are some terribly painful, unfair, furnace-like trials that we go through. God doesn't promise an easy trouble-free life, but He does promise to never leave us or forsake us. When we are in the furnace, He is there. Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, we have a fourth One in the fire with us. We can come out with our faith stronger and our joy deeper. We can walk out of that furnace with no smell of fire.


  1. Michelle thank you this hit home for me. I love to read your writings.

  2. Very well said. Love it. I like to at least think I don't smell like fire!!! - Pam

  3. You are so strong in Christ! Love these words of hope.


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