Come When You're Called

I winced as I hurried across the yard. The pain in the bottom of my bare feet reminded me that there were acorns on the ground.  I was chasing the ever-elusive ten-pound chihuahua/rat terrier mix named Pumpkin. He had escaped into the front yard. No amount of calling his name, offering of treats, whistling, or any other tactic I could think of was enticing him to return to the house. He seemed to think it was a game. He would stop in the street or in a neighbor's yard. Then, just as I got close, he would take off running. He is very fast.  I don't like to fall, and I do like to breathe. So, I walk after this stubborn little dog. 

Chasing Pumpkin reminds me of my Dad's words, "There's nothing I dislike more than a dog who won't come when he's called." That is my dog. He is eleven years old and has NEVER come when he is called. He comes when he wants to. Sometimes when I call him he ignores me. Other times he turns and looks at me, then goes about his business, paying no mind to my call. 

This morning as I was losing the game of chase with this four-legged challenger I wondered, "Do I sometimes act like this little dog?" My thoughts turned to times when I've heard God calling. Do I ignore my heavenly father? Do I, like my stubborn canine companion, turn and acknowledge God's call then go about my business as if I heard nothing? 

My purpose in calling Pumpkin's name this morning was for his good. He was out of the boundaries of the environment that was best for him (the house or the fenced backyard.) What I had planned for him when he came in was a treat and some time in my lap before I had to get ready for school. By ignoring me, he was putting himself in danger (from cars and big dogs on leashes who might not like little yappy dogs). By avoiding coming into the house he was missing out on a treat and being petted. 

When God calls me, it is for my good. (Romans 8:28). Sometimes I'm outside the boundaries of what is best for me. Other times I miss out on sweet fellowship with my Savior because I ignore His call.

After several rounds of this mom-chasing-dog game, Pumpkin turned and ran for home. I fussed at him and promised him I'd never let him out the front door again. Then I sat down in the recliner. Pumpkin, unaware of my frustration, jumped in my lap. All was forgiven. My love for this crazy little dog doesn't change when he makes mistakes. 

I am thankful that God is merciful and gracious. He loves me. He continues to call me and speak to me even though sometimes I don't listen well. 

Heavenly father, help me to be more aware of and attentive to your voice. Help me to come when you call. I look forward to fellowship with you and the great and mighty things that you will show me as I draw near to you. 

"…..and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.  When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice."  John 10: 3-4 NIV


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