
Showing posts from April, 2018

Just Enough

I held my breath as I made the last round with the lawn mower. I was hoping to avoid going to the store for more gas, which would have meant I would finish the yard by the street light. When the last blade was cut, I turned off the mower with a sigh. I had just enough gas to finish. I was reminded of other times when there has been just enough.  A few years ago our family went through a season of medical crises. In one five month span I had a child in the hospital for surgery or other procedure each month at least once. In a time of wondering how I would have money for gas, groceries, and medicine, I read the story of Elijah and the widow found in 1Kings. In that story, a widow who was struggling to provide for herself and her son trusts Elijah. She follows his instructions to use the little flour and oil she has to make bread for him. Elijah tells the widow that the Lord would provide for her. The words of that passage jumped off the page.       16 ...

I'd Like to Exchange This Please

In a sideways glance I saw it. A man took his suit jacket and gently placed it around his wife's shoulders. It was such a sweet gesture. I smiled for a second and then it hit me. I was hit by a sneak attack of "poor me."           Must be nice to have someone to do little things like that. Sure wish I had what          they have. Why couldn't my marriage turn out that way? Occasionally that little devil on my shoulder bends my ear. That unwelcome voice plants thoughts in my mind that can quickly send me into a spiral of self-pity. If I let those thoughts stay, my focus shifts to what others have that I don't. I play the comparison game and always seem to come up short. A friend explained to me years ago, "You're comparing your insides to their outsides." She pointed out that I was putting my hurt feelings and insecurities up against the appearance of people who seemed to have it all together. That unrealistic comparison is not b...


My thumb is definitely not green. You won't find beautiful flowers or lush greenery in my house or in my yard. I do, however, have a plant in my living room that has managed to survive for almost fifteen years.   This hearty schefflera was given to me by my friend Brenda who at the time was also my principal. We worked with at-risk students in an alternative school setting. When she met with staff members at the beginning of the school year, she talked to us about being rooted in Christ. She gave each of us a small potted plant as a visual reminder of the importance of a healthy root system.  I was determined to keep it healthy. (I was afraid to find out what happens to a person who kills a plant that symbolizes being rooted in Christ.) Taking care of the precious plant became a priority. I read the directions and followed them closely. I paid attention to the amount of water and sunlight that it needed. I was still surprised when it grew to the point I needed to rep...

A Sweet Reunion

I am looking forward to a reunion.  It might happen tomorrow, or it might not happen for years. I cling to the hope (translated certainty) of the day when I will see my son Matthew again. I know that when we meet again in Heaven, I will never again have to tell him goodbye. When that reunion happens, the time we have been apart will seem like the blink of an eye. Lately I've been reminded that there are others all around me who are also looking forward to a heavenly reunion.  In the last few days and weeks, everywhere I look, I see someone that I know who has either lost a child, a spouse, or other loved one.  I know the grief that accompanies that loss. I remember those excruciating days when the pain was sharp and new. I have not forgotten what it is like to have my world shaken.  I also know the peace that God gives in the midst of sorrow. I know what it is like to look back and know that He carried me. In the years since my son died, I have learned that wi...


The lyrics jumped off the screen and into my heart. "Unchangeable, unshakable, unstoppable, that's what you are." The line is from "You Are God Alone" by Phillips, Craig, and Dean. I was reminded that no matter how life changes and shakes, God is in control. He is constant, He is faithful. When my world was shaken by the death of my son, God was unshaken. When my life changed because of divorce, God was unchanging. No matter what circumstances threaten my security and stability, I can rest assured that He is "unchangeable, unshakable, and unstoppable". What is shaking your world today? Turn to the Unshakable One.        10                                    Though the mountains be shaken                                          and the hills be removed,   ...

If Dandelions Were Dollars

The backyard was a jungle. I stood “face to face” with an army of giant dandelions. I was determined to accomplish the Herculean task of reclaiming my lawn. I had neglected this chore for far too long.  “It sure would be nice to have some help around here,” I grumbled to my audience of eye-level weeds. My single-mom self-pity kicked in. “I don’t know how in the world I’m supposed to keep up all by myself. Isn’t this one of those jobs the husband is supposed to do?”             Fueled by frustration, I hacked at the super-sized weeds. “If dandelions were dollars, I’d be rich !” I continued to swing the hoe at the green-leafed invaders. As they began to fall, slowly but surely my thoughts moved from swirling anger and despair to a budding sense of accomplishment. I didn’t think anyone was listening to my rant, but there is Someone who knows my thoughts and who is always listening. He began to speak to my troubled soul a...

A Time to Dream

Recently I was privileged to share part of my testimony on a program called "A Time to Dream." Here is the link:  A Time to Dream Interview Here is the website:  A Time to Dream   But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,   1Peter 3:15 NIV                             

I've Never Been Mistaken for a Runner

I've never been mistaken for a runner. The only races I run are figurative. Like sprinters at the sound of the starter's pistol, I often begin new tasks with a burst of energy and enthusiasm. I make incredible progress—until a hurdle appears. (still figurative here….me and real hurdles…not a good mix!) Sometimes I want to quit because I’m tired. At times I want to stop because the task has become difficult. Other times I’m sidetracked by a distraction. Like the dog in the movie, “Up”, I’ve been known to totally lose focus at the sight of a “squirrel”.  I don’t run literal races, but I have watched them on TV. When those runners get tired, they don’t quit. When the course gets difficult the racers push through. They keep their focus on the finish line. They don’t get distracted by the noise of the crowd. In Hebrews 12, the author encourages us to “run with perseverance” and to “fix our eyes on Jesus”. The writer then points to Jesus as the example of how to run li...