Fear Not
At the clap of thunder my dog Pumpkin came running. He jumped into my lap and climbed onto my shoulders. He is terrified of loud noises. (also leashes, any type of cord, and the vacuum cleaner). He shakes and pants until the noises stop. He doesn't trust me when I tell him its okay, he thinks the thunder (or the firework, the leash, or the vacuum cleaner) is going to get him.
They say dogs and owners resemble each other. I'm not scared of thunder or fireworks (okay, maybe sometimes the vacuum cleaner). Sometimes, like Pumpkin, I am fearful.
From one thunderstorm to the next, Pumpkin forgets that he is safe. He doesn't remember that the vacuum cleaner didn't eat him last time. I think that even though I have protected him before, he doubts that I can or will do it again.
Sometimes life's circumstances are scary. A change in a relationship or a medical diagnosis may startle us like a clap of thunder. Uncertainty in a job situation or in finances may send us running like Pumpkin from the vacuum cleaner. Like my skittish little dog, we may forget from one loud noise to the next that we are safe. We have a Protector.
I haven't personally counted, but I have heard that the Bible tells us three hundred and sixty-five times some version of "fear not". From the old testament to the new testament, we are reminded that we do not need to fear, but to trust. God has promised to never leave us or forsake us. Even when the thunder is loud and the vacuum cleaner is coming for you.....God is faithful. Fear not!
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41: 10 NIV
They say dogs and owners resemble each other. I'm not scared of thunder or fireworks (okay, maybe sometimes the vacuum cleaner). Sometimes, like Pumpkin, I am fearful.
From one thunderstorm to the next, Pumpkin forgets that he is safe. He doesn't remember that the vacuum cleaner didn't eat him last time. I think that even though I have protected him before, he doubts that I can or will do it again.
Sometimes life's circumstances are scary. A change in a relationship or a medical diagnosis may startle us like a clap of thunder. Uncertainty in a job situation or in finances may send us running like Pumpkin from the vacuum cleaner. Like my skittish little dog, we may forget from one loud noise to the next that we are safe. We have a Protector.
I haven't personally counted, but I have heard that the Bible tells us three hundred and sixty-five times some version of "fear not". From the old testament to the new testament, we are reminded that we do not need to fear, but to trust. God has promised to never leave us or forsake us. Even when the thunder is loud and the vacuum cleaner is coming for you.....God is faithful. Fear not!
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41: 10 NIV
Ruddy, I love this reminder that life will happen. Things will change. There is one constant resource, God, to guide you.